Sarah HB

Sarah HB

International DJ and GardenerUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Sarah HB

Sarah HB

International DJ and GardenerUnited Kingdom
About me
DJ & club head for 28 years: From London pirates LWR and Climax to Kiss FM - BBC R1. Specialist shows for BBC6 Music, MOS, Evian (French dance music) syndicated nationally, & a collaboration with DJ Shadow on the Party Pack - a BBC radio show that packed a punch about the effects of combining illegal drugs. Record Label Manager at Freetown Inc. in the mid '90s ( Blues & Soul journalist with her own column 'Sarah's House' '91-95 DJ/Clubs Paris, Switzerland, Italy,Australia, USA, Ibiza & own parties in London:Cockroach City in Soho, Jus' House under the arches of London Bridge, Ministry Of Sound, Sub Club in Scotland, HOH parties, Kimberley in Norfolk. Founder member of SoundWomen (a network of 200 inspirational women working in the audio & radio industry). Voice-overs: AMV, BBH, JWT, M&C Saatchi, Ogilvy & Mather plus narrations for TV and promo trailers for CH4, Film4, BBC. A full list of brands can be emailed if so desired.