I am a designer, who born and grew up in Japan. I have just completed the BA(Hons) Graphic Design course in Arts University Bournemouth.
I also have experienced work as a casual technician during the summer course in my university.
I feel particularly inspired by pure typography, also model making and crafting.
To gain a better understand of the industry, I am currently looking for internships or a junior designer role.
- SearchlightHollywood has perhaps made us over-accustomed to the slick perfection of CGI. It is therefore refreshing to re-visit the slightly quirky qualities of the analogue stop-frame methods suggestive of early cinema. Kaplin’s project captures the atmosphere of this era connecting with the movie literate MUBI audience. video link
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Indesign
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Graphic Deaign
- Typograhphy
- Crafting
- Editoral Design