Sophie Develyn

Sophie Develyn

CopywriterBrighton, United Kingdom
+ Info


Lottie Davies
Alister MacQuarrie
Frankie Aaronovitch-Bruce
Sophie Develyn

Sophie Develyn

CopywriterBrighton, United Kingdom
About me
Communications and writing are my bread and butter – though my experience in my current role has been wide and far reaching, I'm looking to focus my skills down to my original passion, which is writing. I am a deeply conscientious and enthusiastic employee, I’m committed to high standards and achieving the best possible results. I’m an outstanding writer, with strong organisational and communicative skills. Through the breadth of my experience I’ve learned how adaptable my skills are, and never to shy from a challenge.
  • The Happy Startup Summercamp
    The Happy Startup SummercampOver one weekend, 150 budding entrepreneurs, founders, creatives and changemakers gather in the beautiful Sussex countryside. Summercamp is the annual gathering of the incredible community at The Happy Startup School. Inspiration is all around, amazing connections are made and new ideas are hatched.
  • Alptitude
    AlptitudeA week long retreat in the Alps for businesspeople with purpose.
Projects credited in
  • The Happy Startup Summercamp
Work history
    Copywriter and Event Co-ordinatorThe Happy Startup School
    Brighton, United KingdomFull Time
    My role covered drafting web copy, e-mail marketing, social media marketing, PR strategy, community management and event planning, co-ordinating and executing. It's a startup, so I'm used to wearing lots of different hats and using initiative to prioritise and self manage.
  • Brand Storytelling
  • Copywriting
  • Marketing
  • Event Management
  • B2B Copywriting
  • Social Media Management
  • Event Logistics
  • Event Design
  • Content and Media Writing
  • Sub-editing
    King's College London logo
    King's College London logo
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) King's College London
    London, United Kingdom
    I achieved a 2:1 in my Classics with English undergraduate degree, with a First for my Dissertation which I hugely enjoyed working on.