Sophie Foxcroft

Sophie Foxcroft

Account DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Tyrell Campbell
Jessica Moss
Pip Jamieson
Sophie Foxcroft

Sophie Foxcroft

Account DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Select Aperitivo
    Select AperitivoWe developed the global concept and visual identity for the 2023 brand activation Terrazza Select, which is executed in key markets including the UK and Italy. We've also created content including a global cinema ad that celebrated the brand's Venetian heritage for its 2020 centenary.
  • Fratelli Branca
    Fratelli BrancaAs the UK creative agency we've positioned the heritage portfolio with a multi-channel campaign to drive consumer awareness, launching throughout 2023 with original content, paid media, a tactical chef partnership, and targeted events.