Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling

Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling

Address: 614 E 4th St,, Marion, IN , 46952 Phone: 260-635-3893 Email: travis@createethos.comUnited States
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Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling

Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling

Address: 614 E 4th St,, Marion, IN , 46952 Phone: 260-635-3893 Email: travis@createethos.comUnited States
About me
As the warm glow of summer envelopes your home, maintaining a cool and comfortable environment becomes a priority. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial to the performance and longevity of your HVAC system. At Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling, your comfort is our concern, and we're committed to ensuring that your air conditioning systems operate at peak efficiency. Here are five essential tips for air conditioning maintenance that homeowners should consider: 1. Regularly Change or Clean Your Filters: One of the most straightforward yet vital tasks in maintaining an air conditioner's efficiency is regularly changing or cleaning its filters. Clogged or dirty filters restrict airflow, causing the unit to work harder, which could lead to increased energy costs and potential system malfunctions. The general recommendation is to change filters every three months; however, frequent checks during heavy use periods can help prevent unexpected issues. 2. Keep Your AC Unit Free from Debris: Outdoor units are susceptible to collecting leaves, dirt, and other debris that can obstruct airflow and reduce efficiency. Ensure that there's at least two feet of clearance around your outdoor air conditioning unit. It's beneficial to inspect this area periodically and clear away any accumulated debris. 3. Schedule Seasonal Tune-ups: Just like any other major appliance, your HVAC system benefits greatly from regular professional tune-ups. As a qualified HVAC contractor, Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling provides comprehensive inspections where we calibrate thermostats, lubricate moving parts, check refrigerant levels, inspect electrical connections, and ensure your system is in top operating condition. 4. Address Repairs Promptly: Ignoring unusual noises or extended cycle times can lead not only to discomfort but also increased repair costs down the line. If you encounter any irregularities with your cooling system's performance or suspect that it needs immediate attention beyond regular DIY maintenance efforts—like strange sounds from the unit—it’s best to seek out professional air conditioning repair services right away. 5. Upgrade When Necessary: While regular maintenance can extend the life of your HVAC system considerably; sometimes upgrading may be a necessity for continued efficiency and comfort due to technological advances or just wear and tear over time. Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling understand that air conditioning isn't merely about delivering cold air—it's about instilling peace of mind during those blazing hot days when relief seems intangible. Whether you require professional diagnostics, routine service calls for preventative care or experience a sudden need for an emergency repair—we're here as your trusted air conditioning contractor with skilled technicians ready to restore balance back into your indoor climate experience promptly. Hours: Sunday - Saturday :00:00 - 23:59

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