The Perfect Decoration Accessory

The Perfect Decoration Accessory

Marketer100 Tolworth Broadway, Tolworth, Surbiton KT6 7HT, UK
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The Perfect Decoration Accessory

The Perfect Decoration Accessory

Marketer100 Tolworth Broadway, Tolworth, Surbiton KT6 7HT, UK
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NEXillumi LED Strip Light: The Perfect Decoration Accessory for Modern Rooms Easy Installation and Customization I’m sure you’ve noticed how LED strips have become a must-have decoration accessory for giving rooms a modern touch. And why not? They consume minimal electricity, offer customizable colors, and are generally easy to install, depending on the brand. However, there’s one challenge that often arises when using LED strips – corners. Most LED strips come in a roll, making it difficult to achieve a 90-degree angle without using separate L-shaped extensions and carefully cutting the strip. This DIY project can be surprisingly demanding and time-consuming, discouraging many from trying. But fear not, because NEXillumi has come up with a solution. An In-depth Look at the NEXillumi LED Strip Light Let’s take a closer look at the NEXillumi 13.2 feet LED strip, which includes an additional 3.2 feet of corner cords. This model is perfect for larger TVs, up to 75 inches, but can also be adjusted for smaller monitors or TVs. In Europe, you may find the NEXillumi LED strips sold under the name Mexllex. Inside the box, you’ll find a plastic roll containing the NEXillumi LED strip, which immediately stands out from other LED strips on the market due to its black extension cord portions. The package also includes eight plastic clips with glue, a larger pad, and a small remote control.

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