Theresa Kuehnhauser

Theresa Kuehnhauser

Graphic DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Jordan Enaboifo
Tres Colacion
Theresa Kuehnhauser

Theresa Kuehnhauser

Graphic DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
  • Gedankenstriche
    GedankenstricheOnce a year, the Kleist-Museum publishes “Gedankenstriche”. The publication serves as a collection of current scientific papers, articles and interviews. It is divided into sections which represent the different activities of the Museum. Designed at Panatom Berlin
  • Mind
    MindThe photo project is about the choices we make on a daily basis. Each picture shows the dichotomy between the things we should be doing and the things we really want to do. It could also be seen as a division of the rational and the irrational.
  • Spoilt for Choice?
    Spoilt for Choice?Have you ever felt overwhelmed by choice? The project “Spoilt for Choice?” looks at alternative ways to aid decision making using a toolkit designed for chance. In a world of algorithms where your options are predetermined, I am creating a space which allows for more freedom and progressive action.
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Work history
    Graphic Designer
     - Berlin, GermanyInternship
    Graphic Designer
     - Munich, GermanyInternship
  • Print Design
  • Branding/corporate ID
  • Editorial Design
  • Digital Design
  • 3D Animation
  • Web Design
  • Typography
  • Art Direction
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    MA Graphic DesignUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
    Graphic Design
     - Brazil
    Study abroad
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