Tianyu Ma

Tianyu Ma

Graphic DesignerChina
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Eleanor Spickett
Alex Keates
Tianyu Ma

Tianyu Ma

Graphic DesignerChina
    PACKAGE DESIGNBrief: Choose a brand to extending and developing it. Produce a limited edition solution based on a significant anniversary. Solution: Design a biscuit tin to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.
  • New brand design - PERFECT PITCH
    New brand design - PERFECT PITCHBrief: Create and develop a brand identity for the piano tuning company. Solution: The Perfect Pitch is a piano tuning company. It breaks the traditional tuning method, combined with high-tech production app tuning.
  • Chenming Paper Company
    Chenming Paper CompanyBrief – Rebrand Chenming Paper Company promoting the paper range to designers. Solution – A calendar with a bird theme (Chenming means bird song in the morning), demonstrating techniques and processes used with paper engineering.
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