Timon Weerstand

Timon Weerstand

Freelance Digital designerAmsterdam, Netherlands
+ Info


Timon Weerstand

Timon Weerstand

Freelance Digital designerAmsterdam, Netherlands
About me
Hi, I’m Timon. A visual designer that wants to make things. Digital things. Like websites, interactive installations, apps or other experiences for brands. I want to visually manifest creative ideas preferably with a professional team who is making magic. I’m eager to learn, innovate and experiment. I have worked with a number of clients, both through agencies and independently. My goal is to create digital experiences and products that are simple and human. I just graduated with a project for the Dutch telecom company KPN and looking out for new challenges, which I can collaborate with people and companies. Currently doing freelance work for various advertising and production companies. You can reach out for inquiry or just say hi by sending me a message
Work history
    Amsterdam, NetherlandsFreelance
    Currently freelancing as a visual designer at RTRN, VIEMR, Kr8werk and Xpressy. I make things. Digital things. Like websites, interactive installations, apps or other experiences for brands. My goal is to create digital experiences and products that are simple and human.
  • Digital Design
  • Concept and Ideation
  • Graphic Design
  • Sketch
  • Adobe Indesign/illustrator/photoshop
  • Digital Prototpying