Trishna Goklani

Trishna Goklani

Digital content creator & Social Media StrategistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Alexander Horne
Alexander Nuccio
Anoushka Khandwala
Trishna Goklani

Trishna Goklani

Digital content creator & Social Media StrategistLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • "Dressing 'professionally', what does that even mean?" Virtual conversation panel.
    "Dressing 'professionally', what does that even mean?" Virtual conversation panel.This conversation panel took place on the 28th of April 2021. It featured Professor Carolyn Mair PhD, fashion psychologist Joanna Kamaramanis and Curator Shasti Lowton, and was moderated by our in-house social media strategist Trishna Gokliani. This event was the first of our free Vestiary series, which encompasses conversations around specific corporeal and dress topics by groups of guest speakers, mainly UK-based. "Dressing 'professionally', what does that even mean?" drew on the possible me