Ugo Vantini

Ugo Vantini

Musician, Composer, Producer, Graphic ArtistUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Felix Morgan
Cloe Porqueres
Ugo Vantini

Ugo Vantini

Musician, Composer, Producer, Graphic ArtistUnited Kingdom
About me
Ugo Vantini is a musician, graphic artist and producer, born in Rome, Italy and based in Scotland, UK. He has also worked in theatrical and cinematographic productions covering different roles such as sound engineer, assistant director, editor, cameraman. He always used his main instrument, the drums, to communicate his personal conception of musicality, through the use of atypical sonorities, phrasing and exploration of unusual expressive languages, that depict his sound visions. He has played since the beginning in musical groups, sometimes formed and produced by himself, that proposed music out-of-the-box, often with a strong connotation of improvisation, often collaborating with artists who shared his concepts of sound expressiveness and the use of complex polyrhythms. Recently the extended and integrated use of electronics, through the use of multiple pads, samples, field recordings, loops and effects, led him to use the drums in an even more organic way, expanding his stylistic style and enriching it with colours and sounds otherwise unreachable. The meeting with Marta Noone marked an epochal change, in many aspects also personal, and the birth of Silent Chaos represented the realization of a union of shared thoughts and intentions, the achievement and development of his research, and marks a milestone in his musical journey as well as a new challenge and a new starting point towards the search for other unknown sound and visual worlds. He created the soundtrack of several art exhibitions, theater performances and contemporary dance performing live music, performed live radio concerts and has also played in many music festivals, along with international artists, such as: Omaggio a Demetrio Stratos, Calcatronica, Risonanza, Progressivamente Rock Festival, Marechiaro Blues, Free Field Festival, Rock Progressive Festival Amnesty International, Electric Cirkus, Cryptic Nights, Listen Again Festival, fringe of Look Again Festival, and many more.
 He produced and played with bands such as Movie, Divae, VU Meters, Entropia e Entropia Techno Department. He has played and collaborated with groups and artists such as Balletto Di Bronzo, Ezra Winston, Gary Green, Vittorio Nocenzi, Rodolfo Maltese, Twin Dragons, Nicola Alesini, E Music and many others.
  • We Don't Give A Fuck
    We Don't Give A FuckThe We Don’t Give A Fuck Productions has been established in Winter 2020 by two obscure hermits living in the Middle of Nowhere, Scottish Highland.
  • Silent Chaos
    Silent ChaosChaos Art
  • Music Albums Cover Art Portfolio
    Music Albums Cover Art PortfolioCovers of music albums made by me for various artists, except for "micro" and "MACRO" - Silent Chaos - created together with Marta Noone.
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Work history
    Music ProducerSilent Chaos
    United KingdomFull Time
    ArtistSound Scotland
     - Broad St, Aberdeen AB10 1AB, UKFreelance
    Our composition “L’Oscuro Oceano dello Spazio Infinito” (The Obscure Ocean of the Infinite Space), originally commissioned by Sound Festival for the 2020’s edition, is now in rotation at the Marischal College in Aberdeen for the British Art Show 9 (BAS9) and Sound Festival 2021. The unique soundscape of “L’Oscuro Oceano dello Spazio Infinito” has been composed having in mind the sound generated by the movement, the rhythm, the sound and the play of light on the water of the Marischal College’s fountain. Using delayed and reverberated tinkling glass sounds, random electronic sound patterns, deep and dark slowly evolving atmospheres, and enigmatic choir drones, we imagined how the deep space would sound like, and, by the alchemic motto “as above so below”, we explored how the sound of the “above” would merge and play with the sound of the “below”, here symbolised by the water games of the fountain.
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  • Sound Design
  • Cover Art
  • Graphic Art
  • Drums
  • Electronic Music
  • Digital art
  • Music Programming
  • Music Performance
  • Audio Mastering
  • Music Composition
    DrummerDrums & Percussions