Vijay Bahadur Yadav

Vijay Bahadur Yadav

District Panchayat President LucknowIndia
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Alexander Horne
Beatrice Tamagnini
Vijay Bahadur Yadav

Vijay Bahadur Yadav

District Panchayat President LucknowIndia
About me
Vijay Bahadur Yadav Zila panchayat Adhyaksh, Me and with my family since independence, are been working for the people of the country with the love and blessings of the public of the country. it did not matter if I am in the post of the village head district panchayat president Lucknow or the post of block chief. I constantly stay with the public and listen to their problem and try my best to solve them, Our community build a drain, road, hand pump, and build an arrangement for matrimonial and religious programs in the village. The system of the school has been done for the provision of community toilets and electricity, it is my constant endeavor to fulfill every hope of the people and as much as I can for the public, I arrange the gathering for people from time to time to listen to their problems. And I also try to solve their problem, it is my endeavor that every person in the village gets all the facilities that they have the right to necessity.
Work history
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    Vijay Bahadur Yadav District Panchayat President LucknowThe Economist
     - IndiaFull Time
  • Political Analysis
    BSclucknow university
    Lucknow, India
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    Lucknow Zila panchayat AdhyakshThe Economist