Walé Akingbadé

Walé Akingbadé

Creative Problem Solver: Crafting Experiences as a Product Designer; Tech Enthusiast, Music Composer & Published AuthorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


James Walters
Kirsty Chan
Walé Akingbadé

Walé Akingbadé

Creative Problem Solver: Crafting Experiences as a Product Designer; Tech Enthusiast, Music Composer & Published AuthorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
A passionate storyteller and composer, Wálé uses these mediums to capture and articulate his experiences. Inspired by cultural exposure on his travels and the profound beauty of the natural world, his creative works seek to capture the complex patterns of life and evoke a sense of wonder and reflection. Wálé aims to inspire positive change, encourage personal growth, and foster a deeper connection with the world around us through his narratives, whether set to melody or penned on a page.
  • The Tree That Found Its Roots
    The Tree That Found Its RootsThe Tree That Found Its Roots is a tale about a tree struggling to find its purpose and place in the world. Throughout the story, the characters encounter various challenges and obstacles but ultimately discover the value of believing in oneself. Moreover, it explores the idea that everyone has unique qualities and strengths to contribute to society. The book's messages encourage readers to embrace their individuality, reflect on their own journeys, and recognise their worth. As such, it's par