Will Buckingham

Will Buckingham

Writer & PhilosopherSofia, Bulgaria
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Matt Willey
Poppy Jamieson
Richard Keeling
Will Buckingham

Will Buckingham

Writer & PhilosopherSofia, Bulgaria
About me
Writer of fiction, nonfiction and children's books. PhD in philosophy. Next book, "Hello, Stranger: How to Welcome the World" (Granta 2021). Creator of Looking for Wisdom philosophy project. Co-director of Wind&Bones Community Interest Company, working at the intersection of creativity, writing and social justice. I have held a number of academic posts since 2003, including: Visiting Professor of Humanities at the Parami Institute, Yangon, Myanmar; Reader (Associate Professor) in Writing and Creativity at De Montfort University; and Visiting Associate Professor in the College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University. I'm now freelance and based — for the time being — in Sofia, Bulgaria, where I run projects with Wind&Bones.
  • Looking for Wisdom
    Looking for WisdomMy new project, bringing the world's greatest philosophers direct to your inbox! https://www.lookingforwisdom.com. Run using the fabulous Ghost blogging platform.
  • BBC Travel: Europe's City of Dawdlers and Loafers
    BBC Travel: Europe's City of Dawdlers and LoafersA piece I wrote for the BBC on Plovdiv, Bulgaria, and the culture of aylyak.
  • Climate Strikes! A Debate in Aquila Magazine
    Climate Strikes! A Debate in Aquila MagazineA piece I wrote in 2019 for Aquila children's magazine, debating the merits of school climate strikes.
  • BBC Travel: What Happened to Myanmar's Ghosts?
    BBC Travel: What Happened to Myanmar's Ghosts?I wrote this reported piece for the BBC on Myanmar's ghost-capital of Naypyidaw, and on how the Burmese military moved 1000 ghosts: in trucks!
  • Philosophers: Their Lives and Works
    Philosophers: Their Lives and WorksI worked with DK as a consultant editor on this collection of philosophical biographies, and wrote twenty pieces for the book: from Ibn Sina to Confucius, from Nagarjuna to Martha Nussbaum, and from Ram Mohan Roy to Rawls.
  • This Muslim Family Invites Strangers for Dinner to Combat Islamophobia (article)
    This Muslim Family Invites Strangers for Dinner to Combat Islamophobia (article)A piece commissioned by Heated magazine on Medium, about Yusra Rafeeqi's wonderful "Dine With a Muslim Family" campaign, about Islam and hospitality, and about how to change the world, one curry at a time.
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Projects credited in
  • The Philosophy Book
    The Philosophy Book
Work history
    Wind&Bones logo
    Wind&Bones logo
    Leicester, United KingdomFull Time
    I am co-director of Wind&Bones Community Interest Company, a social enterprise that works globally on projects relating to writing, creativity and social justice. We have to date worked in Bulgaria, Greece, the UK, Taiwan, Myanmar and Indonesia.
    Visiting ProfessorParami Institute
     - Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)Full Time
    I was visiting professor of humanities and global cultures at the Parami Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences in Yangon, Myanmar.
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  • Creative Writing
  • Creative Non-fiction
  • Travel Writing
  • Creativity
  • Philosophy
  • Anthropology
  • Education
  • Editorial Direction
  • Editing
  • Research
    PhDStaffordshire University
     - Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
    I wrote my PhD thesis on the ethics and storytelling, taking a phenomenological perspective inspired by the work of Emmanuel Levinas.
    MAUniversity of Durham
     - Durham, United Kingdom
    My MA was in social and cultural anthropology at the university of Durham. I wrote on traditions and cultures of plastic art in East Indonesia, and on Buddhist-inspired movements of social change amongst Dalit communities in India.
    De Montfort University logo
    De Montfort University logo
    Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching AwardDe Montfort University
    I was awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award in 2013, with a record number of nominations, and was nominated again for the same award the following year.