Wolverhampton Profile

Urban DesignerWolverhampton, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Laura Jordan Bambach
Rachel Bailey

Wolverhampton Profile

Urban DesignerWolverhampton, United Kingdom
  • Wolverhampton:Health and Well-being Selection
    Wolverhampton:Health and Well-being Selectionhttps://www.wolverhamptoninprofile.org.uk/wolverhamptonhealth-and-well-being-selection/
  • Wolverhampton:Environment and Transport
    Wolverhampton:Environment and Transporthttps://www.wolverhamptoninprofile.org.uk/wolverhamptonenvironment-and-transport/
  • Wolverhampton:Housing Profile Selection
    Wolverhampton:Housing Profile Selectionhttps://www.wolverhamptoninprofile.org.uk/wolverhamptonhousing-profile-selection/
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Projects credited in
  • Elle Deco
    Elle Deco
  • Top 50 Companies to Work for in 2018
    Top 50 Companies to Work for in 2018One of our mantras here at The Dots is ‘life is short, work somewhere awesome!’ - so if 2017 didn’t quite pan out how you wanted, then the brilliant thing about New Year is it’s a time for new beginnings. If your resolution is to work with people that inspire you and for brands you respect, then here’s a great list of 50 companies that could be the perfect fit, as chosen by over a quarter of a million amazing creators that call The Dots their home. Make sure to follow them to keep up to date wit
  • Esquire
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