Yaiza Schmid

Yaiza Schmid

Communication DesignerSeville, Spain
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Pip Jamieson
Deep Blue
Petros Afshar
Yaiza Schmid

Yaiza Schmid

Communication DesignerSeville, Spain
About me
Born in Munich in 1990 and raised in Seville, Yaiza Schmid is a multi- and interdisciplinary designer. After completing her degree in Fashion Design and Business Management in Seville, she moved to Munich where she worked in the fields of fashion apparel and theatre. She also obtained a degree in Communication Design from the Design School Munich. Yaiza changed scenario and majored as MA Graphic Design at Middlesex University London; It was at the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries where she was introduced to the concept of human-centred design as a creative approach to problem-solving and design thinking as an agent of positive change. In her website you will find a compilation of Yaiza´s work and collaborative projects. All of them share the same quality: to create positive impact on people and in our planet, applying carefully for each project the right aesthetics and the designer´s international perspective.
  • Paradox
    ParadoxCREATIVE UNIONS: FREE MOVEMENT OF CULTURE International artist gathering where the only desire is to make space to ask questions and share different forms of knowledge about what is proximate to us now. I presented there part of my Master project. After the experience, I created a handmade mini book, expressing thoughts and observations of the event. Lewisham Arthouse Project Space, London, 2017
  • Beyond Borders
    Beyond BordersMASTER PROJECT This project observes the current issues behind boundaries, demarcation and colour categorisation, questioning today‘s definition of limits and the implemented measures. Borders are sometimes imaginary and sometimes physical, but what do they actually symbolise?
  • EL Schmid
    EL SchmidInvitation cards for International Interiors Show Cologne 2018 - Kyoto Light Collection by El Schmid (Designer and Producer). Seville, 2018
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Work history
    Graphic Design AssistantEL Schmid
    Seville, SpainFreelance
    Since the completion of my Communication Design studies in Munich, I have been collaborating intermittently with the interior designer and producer in many projects/duties. Recently, I assisted the designer EL Schmid in various graphic design/concept decisions such as the product design aesthetic, product folders, technical information sheets and invitation postcards. It all started at El Schmid‘s Master Workshop, through the creation of a photo shooting concept together with the Designer. For his new Light Collection, we built a scenario/Installation with the lamps and their wooden packaging boxes. Then, I proceeded with the design/layout of postcards, using the photographs. The postcards were invitation cards for the International Interiors Show Cologne 2018. The experience of co-working with the company has shown me the sensitivity to treat materials and objects of great value with the respect that they deserve. I have also gained administrative and organisational tasks: stayed in contact with the photographer, printing company and designer; considered the budget for the printing processes and the number of prints; kept continuously active to achieve the final delivery date. Find the right aesthetic for the final printed objects through a detail-oriented Layout; translating the information of the printed objects in three different languages suitable to be sent internationally. Flexibility to travel to Cologne (Germany) to the Interiors show, where I supported the designer promoting the new product through social media (Facebook and Instagram); I also had the opportunity to train my public relation skills, making use of the three languages that I know in order to gain new clients and agents.
    Concept and Graphic DesignEstraperlo
     - Seville, SpainFreelance
    Estraperlo is an Andalusian Cooperative, a pioneer in the promotion of organic food production, responsible consumption and collective work. They started with a food products shop and recently they have grown exponentially. In 2018 they aim to promote ecological awareness, gain new associates and have influence in education. My mission was to analyze their progress so far and their specific targets, find a suitable visual language to facilitate the understanding of their concept and convert it into a visual and written piece of communication, being able to use it through various communication tools. For that, I designed a folder/dossier, that is being sent nationally and internationally to future clients, organisations, co-workers and institutions in order to spread their product and values.
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  • Graphic Design
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Corperate Identity
  • Concept Design
  • Social Media
  • Human Rights
  • Social Design
  • Recycling
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • 3D Artist
    Master of ArtsMiddlesex University
     - London, United Kingdom
    I have now recently graduated from Middlesex University with a Master of Arts in Graphic/Communication Design. It was an excellent experience and I had the opportunity of working independently, self-directed and to manage a project on my own. There was also space to collaborate, share ideas and work in a team. The purpose of the MA was to enhance us to be more critically aware, ideas leading and able to respond to the ever-changing landscape of design. I was encouraged to extend my design practice through experimentation, research, analysis and creative exploration. All this developing myself as an autonomous learner. During my Master Project, I produced a significant body of written and visual work. One of the aims of the program was to produce an advanced body of work that investigates, analyses and reflects on current issues with Communication Design, demonstrating how design can be extended against a professional context, everyday problem, social context or emerging cultural theme. With the successful completion of the program, I acquired the knowledge and understanding of key concepts and ideas in creative thinking and different communication design research methodologies. I had the privilege to participate at the RSA Student Design Award, a global competition for emerging designers that challenge students and recent graduates to tackle pressing social, environmental and economic issues through design thinking. I decided to study the „Beyond Border‘s“ brief. I went through different research and design thinking moments questioning, for example, how can we reduce boundaries? What means actually Multiculturalism? How can people be influenced by education? How does the race classification system work? When is identity in crisis? What can I achieve in those subjects through communication and design? All these questions among others were intensively analysed. Before, during and after all the observations exposed previously, I built a Magazine which purpose was to show that despite living in a world that is as free as never before, we are holding people back, defining territories and discussing containment and borders. The conclusion of my research was that cultural diversity and multicultural contact are facts of the „modern“ life and they need to be beyond ignorance and conflicts. The idea of showing the differences that are still an issue in our society could be a suitable way of promoting that better understanding and interactions among people from various origins and cultures. The intercultural written or spoken dialogue could have limits of understanding; the idea of using images and generally, visuals, could become more powerful and important to facilitate intercultural communication. The creation of the magazine was followed by the production of design outcomes and a Design Research Document.
    BA (Hons) Graphic and Communication DesignGerman Design School
     - Munich, Germany
    The design school Munich provided the necessary education and working environment, to enable me to create visual communication for various media, to autonomously conceive and schedule complex design projects and to professionally produce design objects. The school provided also fundamental familiarity with the communication branch, it‘s historic and contemporary characteristics and possibilities of related career development. During the first year, we had the opportunity to learn two study focuses on shorter projects. I developed a typography project called „Monospace“, it was an enlightening project! My aim was to create an impact on diverse relevant social topics, throughout a movement or action. I used the „Cross-Stitch“ technique and applied it to all kinds of street fences. The topics were: Environment and Economy (looking for Eco Friendly solutions); the destruction and profit of groups or corporations that have a negative influence in the quality of life of lots of people; Immigration (the right to people to look for a better place to live); Fair fashion production (to make consumers think about how, where or who produced the clothes and accessories that they buy). The first year emphasized on training sensitivity towards perception, developing basic skills for pictorial presentation and understanding colour, form, picture and typography. By means of various tasks and assignments, quick grasp, goal-oriented work, communication skills and a variety of approach possibilities were practised. In addition to manual skills, the latest computer programmes for layout, graphics and picture enhancement were trained. The fundamentals learned in the first year were applied - mostly in teamwork - in project work, sometimes free and sometimes closely connected to an authentic commission. Afterwards, I opted to strongly emphasize on new media developments, video and graphic animation, internet, photography, as well as multimedia production, completing various digital and analogue design workshops. One of the projects that I enjoyed to do the most, was the creation of the social movement „mismomisma“ supporting gender equality, questioning the word „Feminism“ and the rights for women and men for a balanced society in an increasing variety of aspects. During the third year, projects were realised independently. All final projects were produced on a theme of our choice. My project was selected as one of the 10 best projects out of the 60 presented, to be exposed in a joint public exhibition and also on stage. I was asked by the professors to present the show and had the pleasure to coordinate the projects selected, organized the show-sequences and present/the 10 projects together with my colleague Susanna. It was a great opportunity to communicate orally in front of more than 500 people.
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