Yarden Fudim

Yarden Fudim

ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Ruby Dickson
Yarden Fudim

Yarden Fudim

ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
  • Thanatopsis
    ThanatopsisThanatopsis exhibition ran at the Crypt Gallery in Euston in April 2022. The exhibition brought together work by several artists who make work about their existence by either personal narrative and documentation reacting to feelings, the physicality of the body, and representation of the self through symbolism and false narrative. Wondering somewhere in between birth and death. Through collaborative staging and juxtapositioning of our work, we aim to bring our existence into question by remini
Work history
    invigilatorMuseum of Architecture
     - London, United KingdomPart Time