yulissa Aranibar

yulissa Aranibar

Fashion designer, stylist, producer, art directorParis, France
+ Info


Daria Zinoveva-Princey
yulissa Aranibar

yulissa Aranibar

Fashion designer, stylist, producer, art directorParis, France
About me
Born in Lima-Peru, raised in Milan and currently living in Paris, Yulissa has an unbridled love for fashion and the arts in general. As a child she started making clothes for her Barbie dolls, going on to design her own prints on transfer paper, promoting her art in high school, working in the fashion world in Milan since the age of 18, arri- ving in Paris with a one-way ticket in 2009 at the age of 21. Her origins and the null memories of her childhood lead her to seek and discover every corner of her country, getting in touch with the Latin communities of Paris and Europe. TRAPOS FINOS her clothing brand inspired by Peruvian ethnic arts, artistic and social creations, graphic stories to remember where I come from, upcycling, streetwear and her agency ARRANCA PROD Latin American stories told through fashion is a fashion production agency representing Latinos and Peruvians. it’s their projects that give voice to memory. https://www.instagram.com/yulissa_aranibar/ https://www.instagram.com/traposfinosparis/ linktr.ee/arrancaprod
    DIOR LADY ART PROJECT & SARA FLORES x ARRANCA PRODCommission for Dior for the Dior Lady Art Project, The only country in representation of the Latin American continent, PERU. Featuring artist Sara flores is her custom bag with ancestral designs from the shipibo conibo culture. Production shooting photo product and presentation of the artist in her community in pucallpa. In collaboration with the Dior video team from paris, my team from lima and puccallpa, the photographer chosen by Dior for this incredibly important project for me. https://ar
Work history
    Dior logo
    Dior logo
     - Paris, FranceFreelance