✨ A Christmas gift from me to you ✨

My approach to design, and core belief about what constitutes great branding, is that with thought, heart and courage, we can create beautiful brands that feel like home.

In order to share this approach with more people, I have created a free guide '5 ways to create a brand identity that feels like home.' My hope is that it will help kickstart your journey to building a brand that feels just right for you and your business.

👉It is completely free and covers how you can use colour, type, photography, space, shape & texture to create a brand identity that feels aligned to your business. I created this resource for:

✅ Business-owners who perhaps aren't quite ready to invest in working with a designer but that want to create a brand identity that feels just right for them and their business to set them off on the right path

✅ Business-owners that perhaps designed their branding themselves, or are possibly thinking about a rebrand and are wanting to work with a designer soon and want to do some thinking around their brand before making the investment

✅ Designers who want to add more thought, heart and courage to their branding projects and want some inspiration on how to make meaningful design choices

Recent subscribers to my newsletter will have already got their hands on their copy. If you too would like it delivered straight to your inbox, click the link to get the guide for free 🔗



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