Any Mario and Final Fantasy Fans? Then you're going to love the NFT I just made! Check it out and share along.


  • @Jordan Henry I understand and have talked with people about this. I think for NFTs to really survive, there has to be restrictions and not people stealing and copying. Because it is a problem with it getting too out of hand. I don't agree with those that just do whatever to make quick money. Like for example, literally taking NBA content and just putting them up there (Which should be illegal! haha)

    It's an insult to actual really good artists with organic creativity. I hope they recognize this problem. However, the positive is the art community actually acknowledging 3D and VR artists to the forefront. That's a tough career to get into and actually takes talent, time, and immersive thinking to make the pieces they do. Artists unifying even more during tough time where loads of artists have lost jobs or even those trying to help charities/businesses out. I look at it like that.

    Overall, I can see the good and bad of it. I believe it'll just become this short-term "covid" experience. But it has the potential to change someone life.
  • Hi Nygilia, please look at the carbon footprint it takes for NFTs to be minted. The energy usage is absolutely bonkers! I love to see people being proactive with their artwork and definitely not trying to discourage you from being creative, but the impact these NFTs is currently having on the planet is outrageous. Artist Ten Hunded recently posted a video detailing the emissions!! Other artists that might be reading, please take the time to look into this too!
    Atm there is not enough transparency on the energy consumption it takes to create an NFT and people are even screenshotting tweets and memes trying to take advantage of the hype surrounding this new way to consume art.

    other links for NFT emissions:

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