Anyone had any luck with Instagram?

As in business getting any attention from it? I'm in the middle of a bit of an Instagram drive by pandering to its "wanna be like Tik Tok" thing and making short animations. So far it has not had the desired effect, with my latest "reel" being the worst performing: see image from it below...


  • @Katie Ruby Miller Thanks (late reply, sorry) your profile is ultra proffessional, with the consistant colour schems and the pinned banner within the thumbnails, links to shop etc. Pretty great stuff.
  • @Harvey Auerbach-Dunn Hi Harvey, thanks for the kind words. Yeah I forgot to "choose thumbnail." Thanks again!
  • @Lantern Jaw just given you a follow! Love the reels! They are different to most others which is cool! It’ll be kinda obvious I’ve followed you as I’m Katierubyillustration
  • Hey! Your illustrations look fab. I would suggest is to set your reel thumbnails as the final illustration. For example, I wasn't sure where to look for the above image as the thumbnail was similar to another reel.
  • @Katie Ruby Miller @loudon.illustrator ...I goofed on the thumbnails of two of them so might have to repost at some point. The thumbs weren't supposed to be my intro screen! Please tell me yours.
  • @Lantern Jaw if you are tagging people they should get a notification to say that they’ve been mentioned and or tagged. However I recently got promoted to look at settings which meant I could restrict who could @ me or tag me. Which I didn’t ( I left it open to everyone)

    I’m guessing that whoever manages those social pages probably doesn’t check very much. Have a look at how they engage with comments on their own posts. If they don’t then they’re just a post and dump sort of user. Doing it for the sake of it, not for the community aspect of social media.
  • @Katie Ruby Miller Yes, really good point. Thanks for the tip. Agree about new content creation especially as spending time on promotion gets in the way of that.

    I started on reels as a way of breathing new life into old images by making them look like I was drawing them live (I am clear about this trickery). So I basically use Photoshop frames to gradually smudge out the drawing in layer after layer then play the frames in reverse and voila!

    I think what frustrated me upon posting them is that, I tagged in pages which should be interested -for example, I animated some Manchester UTD drawings which I made for an interactive game (which is actually situated in the museum, Old Trafford) turned it into a reel and then tagged in some fan pages - these people will have been to the museum and seen the game. ...Not a single like from anyone outside my followers. So, do non-follower tagged parties even get the notifications?

    Anyway, thanks again.
  • I’ve found Instagram likes consistency. I have been posting regularly for a few months now and slowly but surely my followers are going up. When I say regularly I choose to post Monday - Friday. Sometimes I repost old content because constantly creating content for it is tiring. I have tried reels but find they don’t get half as much reach as my image posts. I had a few posts go viral over Christmas and what made them do that was that they were relatable to so many people. So got shared a lot. This didn’t particularly gain 1000s of new followers. But it has meant that I am now getting more interaction with new and much older posts.

    So consistency is key. Pick days and stick to it.
  • @Jon Buckley Very good point, I have but not enough. ...I think my work is slightly sub standard.
  • It isn't the number of followers you have, it's the quality. Are you reaching out and following/interacting with art directors, creative directors, designers, and people who might hire you? Remember, insta is only one part of your overall marketing plan.
  • Hey! I personally haven’t been pushing on Instagram, but one guy who has really grown in the last 2 years is a logo / brand designer called James Bernard. He had around 30,000 followers 2 years ago and now has 469,000 followers today. When I spoke with him he said the main reason behind this was TikTok - he posts videos showing tips / tricks and some of his design processes. It’s led to him getting tonnes of clients and connections.

    So yeah, if you aren’t already I’d recommend getting on TikTok and creating some videos / taking part in illustration and design trends to start getting noticed, then cross post these videos on Instagram etc -

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