Anyone have any free time to crit my portfolio? I would really appreciate it.


  • @Liy Grant you’re very welcome, hopefully they are useful.

    They are fantastic projects and thanks for the link.

    Always happy to give feedback or pointers so please just reach out.

    Many thanks
  • @Kane Davis Thank you for your detailed crit Kane I honestly appreicate you taking the time to go into so much detail.

    Thank you for the compliments & congratulations. NUFF SAID is a great collective &have a great podcast (BLACKLISTED) you can also find their website at

    I'll take your crits into consideration when making my updates. Thank you for your time again!

  • @Joe Burke Thank you for the crit! I will have a play around with this concept.
  • @Oliver Snell Thank you Oliver , I really appreciate you feedback. I will look into implementing some of those bits!
  • Hello Lily,

    Thanks for sharing your work.

    You have a great site here and some solid work too, love the Nuff Sai. project especially and congratuatlions on the D&AD pencil for Celebrate the Sexy. It's a great portfolio and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

    I only have a couple of comments, one if to echo Oliver, it's always good to see how to got to the end result on a project. Sketches, work in progress shots are always good to get a sense of the journey.

    Lastly, with all of your descriptions / about me text is all in capitals which makes it difficult to read. I would keep your headings, buttons etc in capitals but make everything else in sentence case, and also bump the size up slightly. Whilst I love small type as it looks neat and clean, this coupled with the capitalisation makes it harder to read.

    Hope that all makes sense. Great job!
  • Sick work! Nuff Said is such a great message.
    I'd echo what Oliver said regarding perhaps a preview thumbnail for projects perhaps rather than a list, but that's more of a personal preference thing.
  • Hey Lily. Loved your projects, particularly loved Unsigned stories. The clean aesthetic of your website.
    Two things I came to my mind when looking at your portfolio:

    1. On the landing page/home page I would have the links to your projects with lovely big hero’s, maybe along side the “have a nose” as it is a lovely touch but I think the two could work together somehow and not need to be separate.

    2. It would be lovely to see a bit of your process / workings / sketches or idea generation in your projects’ pages but that is just what I love to see.

    Hope that helps.


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