As a freelance journalist, how can you get regular gigs with a publication after having one article published with them? @pipjamieson


  • Hi, Laura -- In my experience the best way to ensure regular/consistent work as a freelancer is also the most straightforward, i.e., make it plain to your editor(s) that you want to work with them again. Follow up the publication of a piece by quickly pitching another idea (or two). I've been on both sides of this, as writer and editor, and I've always believed that it's an editor's job to let writers know when their pitches are -- or are not -- welcome; it's not the writer's job to worry about being too "pushy." Also, let publications know that you're happy to take on pieces that have been dreamed up in-house, especially if a staff writer isn't available to handle it. One of the most enjoyable aspects of freelancing is the chance to take another's suggestion or idea for an article, and making it your own. Good luck!

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