Benedict Cosgrove

Benedict Cosgrove

writer | editorNew York, United States
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Chihiro Tsutsumi
Big Billy
Pip Jamieson
Benedict Cosgrove

Benedict Cosgrove

writer | editorNew York, United States
About me
I've been a writer and editor, online and off, for more than 20 years. Some of the stuff I've worked on: -- Helped launch Wired's political website, Netizen, and the award-winning; worked at Time Inc. for a number of years and at Condé Nast for a minute; was managing editor for the pioneering arts, tech, and culture 'zine, FEED. -- Contributor: New York Times, Independent (UK), Washington Post, Daily Beast, Smithsonian,, Columbia Journalism Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, more. -- Branded content: Mini, Microsoft, Case Foundation, others. -- Books: Foreword to Joseph Szabo's collection of photos, "Hometown" (Damiani, 2020); biography of a remarkable businessman and inventor named Jim Miller, "Nothing Bad Ever Happens" (2017); anthologies "Covering the Bases" and "Gluttony," both published by Chronicle Books. -- Currently pursuing a master's degree in Information and Library Science (University at Buffalo) and contributing freelance work to the usual outlets.
  • A Conversation With the Coolest Man in New York: Milton Glaser
    A Conversation With the Coolest Man in New York: Milton Glaser"My whole life," Glaser told me, "has been devoted to this thing called art, which is really all about making things."
  • The LIFE Magazine Covers That Never Were
    The LIFE Magazine Covers That Never WereTurns out many of the "classic" LIFE magazine covers featured in a popular 2013 movie were never covers at all.
  • The Photo That Changed the Face of AIDS
    The Photo That Changed the Face of AIDSPhotographer Therese Frare shares the story of how, as a young journalism student, she captured one of the most harrowing, controversial pictures to emerge from the pandemic.
  • LIFE Rides With Hells Angels
    LIFE Rides With Hells AngelsIn early 1965, LIFE magazine photographer Bill Ray and writer Joe Bride spent weeks with dozens of Hells Angels in California. Ray's photos never ran in the magazine. Here they are, along with the story of Bill's and Joe's (mis)adventures.
  • Orwell's Ode to Spring
    Orwell's Ode to SpringThe author of "1984" and "Homage to Catalonia" wrote about nature as eloquently as he wrote about everything else.
  • Fishing With My Daughter
    Fishing With My DaughterAn essay on fatherhood, memory, and the rewards of "staying open to the rhythms of the natural world."
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Projects credited in
  • Top 10: career advice tips for 2023
    Top 10: career advice tips for 2023Job hunting? Thinking of pivoting your career? Struggling with motivation? Working with a tricky client? We’ve got you! We’ve put together our top 10 career-related questions for 2023 to help you navigate through the year ahead, no matter if you’re just starting out, or already have experience in the industry. Click through to see insights, advice and top tips from industry mentors and our brilliant Dots community. Got some thoughts of your own? Please add your own wisdom if you have anything
Work history
    New York, United StatesFreelance
  • Editing Copy
  • Content Writing
  • Critical Writing
  • Research
  • Interviewing
  • Web Copywriting
  • Reviews
    National Magazine Award: Photography - Digital MediaAmerican Society of Magazine Editors
    The first incarnation of won the 2011 Ellie -- named for the metal Alexander Calder "Elephant" sculpture that accompanies the award -- for "the use of photography that demonstrates the unique capabilities of digital media."
    The Webby Awards logo
    The Webby Awards logo
    Best Visual DesignThe Webby Awards
    Winner in "People's Voice" category.