As a freelancer how do I find clients?

I just graduated from UAL and looking to freelance for a while but I don’t have much that I can showcase on my portfolio. Another thing, I’m not sure how to go by finding clients. Instagram? Fiverr? Handing out business cards? I’m looking to start at a decent rate to start building my portfolio.


  • Some advice in here:
  • Creat content. You need a basic website, 5 pictures and your contact details. Then contact clients you are interested in. But you need to contact with email and their name. 3000. It is all about numbers. Most people are happy enough with their photographers.
  • @Ella Askri another option to think about, if you don't have experience, I'd recommend a year as an employee first. That way you're not tackling the business side of things plus trying to create good work.
  • LinkedIn is better than IG or Facebook for approaching clients, Instagram more to network with other creatives.

    I'd say build a few mock projects for the type of work you would like to get – can be as simple as making business cards, stationary, logo for a made up brand. That way you have something to show and get attention. Approach family, friends, who could use a graphic designer.

    Maybe a postcards sized flyer of what services you offer as a hand out in cafés.
  • You can be the hunter... or the hunted!

    To be the hunted, you're basically the 1%. – Great design, creativity, flair and consisentcy with history.

    Whether you're a 1 person show or team, with a good website (or not because your growth is based on word of mouth), thus you may have some sort of waiting list, and you basically get to pick and chosse your clients.

    So I would suggest you be the hunter. You can post yourself on Fiverr, People per hour, etc etc... and thats cool but not very active.

    Look at the organisations, and in many cases small businesses that need help. They don't post 'We Need Help' but as creatives we can see they do.
    Approach them, share part of the solution you have for their problem(s) and wait and see if they contact you with details you left on your card.


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