But what if our best isn't good enough…?!

The terrible, sudden realisation that our best isn't good enough can hit the ego really hard.

Maybe you've been there. I know I have.

It can leave us feeling discouraged, panicky, anxious, diminished, & like all the air's been sucked out of us.

Sometimes the toughest giants we face aren't bare-faced lies, but ones that present themselves as the truth.

And like all giants, they don't defeat us by being too big, they defeat us by making us feel small.

And this assault on our carefully curated reputations can be really hard to deal with.

Problem is, if we then start to accept the bruising narrative that we're not enough, we'll start to lower our expectations, so that we're not at risk of disappointing ourselves & others again.

If this sounds all too familiar & you're curious to know the antidote to recovering from such a blow to our egos & the temptation to play small as a result, I'm covering this in my We are GIANT! Clubhouse tonight.

We'll discuss how to recover our equilibrium from big blows like these, & learn how to push back against the giants that want to rob us of our dignity, our connections, & our significance.

One hour, with Q&A. The link's below. Do join the conversation. Looking forward to seeing you there…



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