Call for Jewish and Palestinian artists (including poets, musicians & more) in the diaspora to contribute for exhibition on shared values ❤️

Hello — through the horror, disbelief and grief of watching the past week’s events in Israel and Gaza, I am reaching out to creatives of Jewish and Palestinian ethnicity/ identity living in the diaspora (not in Israel-Palestine itself). I am working towards creating an exhibition in London, where I am based, with a focus on shared values and humanity in our communities using diverse forms of creative expression.

The political angling of the event could be further discussed, but in the first instance I believe it is critical for values of non-violence and respect for the equal right of all humans to life and freedom to form a backdrop for our work.

If you are a creative based in London or elsewhere in the diaspora and have a will to use your art/ poetry/ music/ other discipline to speak out against the status quo, grieve its human cost, and/or build collective hope in our own communities, I would love to hear from you. Please pass onto friends too if relevant.

Thanks and love,



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