Jessica Clark

Jessica Clark

Poet, educator, writer, mentorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Iram Shahjahan
Mollie Wrangles
Francesco Locane
Jessica Clark

Jessica Clark

Poet, educator, writer, mentorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I graduated from Durham University in 2019 with a first class hons degree in Combined Honours in Arts (English and Spanish). Writing and languages are both passions of mine; I speak intermediate French and beginners' Arabic and Russian as well as fluent Spanish. I have carried out work placements in teaching and hospitality in Peru and Spain. I have had articles published in print and online in award-winning student newspaper Palatinate and more recently on Friends of the Earth Camden blog. Since graduating, I have self-published a poetry anthology in aid of Mind UK - Poems of Hope - about which I was interviewed on BBC Radio 1. In April 2020, I created my own radio talk show focused on mental health under lockdown. "The Isolation Station" has been an independent venture for which I have handled all communications and authored all material. Interviews have been conducted over Zoom and audio edited in Audacity. I tutor creative writing to children and adults, and perform poetry regularly at open mic events. My poetry has also been published in The Tide online magazine. I am so eager to inform my worldview with creative practice, connectivity and looking outwards and inwards to find beautiful and thrilling solutions to today's challenges. Samples of my work: Always thrilled to hear from possible collaborators - please feel free to get in touch!
  • We Will Not Be Silenced
    We Will Not Be SilencedWe Will Not Be Silenced is a just-released spoken word track protesting against the Israel-Gaza war, its support by the British political establishment, and broader aspects of atomisation and structural violence. The poem speaks to this moment of humanitarian crisis, and also to a context of increased attempts by Western governments to undermine the fabric of democracy through attacks on free speech. Blending jazzy LoFi music with poetry, the track aims to move through personal emotional respons
  • Falling In (and out of) Love (and lust)
    Falling In (and out of) Love (and lust)Falling In (and out of) Love (and lust) is a poetry pamphlet centred around themes of love, dating and relationships. The poems explore different aspects of intimacy, from the euphoria of meeting someone new to the lows of heartbreak, and are particularly concerned with how dating apps and screen culture impact on how we love ourselves and one another. This is my debut pamphlet and one that I am passionate about bringing into the world, with the aim of connecting deeply with readers and also rai
  • Hidden Light: creative poetry workshops for all
    Hidden Light: creative poetry workshops for allSpreading the gift of words and stories this festive season.... I am delighted to be facilitating two FREE community poetry workshops at The Yurt Café in Limehouse, East London (postcode E14 8DS). They are taking place on Nov 29th and Dec 6th, from 7:30 - 9:30 pm. The sessions will involve discussions around what poetry is, taking inspiration from others' work (spoken word as well as written poetry), and having a go at different writing exercises with the opportunity to share work and receive
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Projects credited in
  • Voices of Solidarity
    Voices of SolidarityThe poster and social media posts are for the Voices of Solidarity open mic night. The event is to raise awareness for the current events that happened in Palestine
  • Half term poetry workshops
    Half term poetry workshopsThis half term break, I am organising and facilitating two poetry workshops for young people aged 16-18 to broaden their engagement with poetry in written and performance forms, and to build confidence in creating poetry of their own. The workshops will look at different themes explored within pre-existing poetry and support participants with their own creative responses to poetry writing prompts. I am passionate about supporting young people to celebrate their own creativity through writing p
Work history
    Slow Dance Records logo
    Slow Dance Records logo
    Radio presenterSlow Dance Records
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    I set up The Isolation Station in April 2020 to discuss mental health under lockdown. I have interviewed a range of guests (both UK-based and overseas) over Zoom for the shows, picking up different themes each episode and drawing in perspectives from shamanism to professional psychotherapists to charity founders and many more. Structuring and publicising the shows myself, as well as editing audio in Audacity, has been a fantastic experience through which I have learnt vast amounts. I also created a show on the subject of racism, which investigated this topical theme with three interviews with UK residents who have themselves experienced racism, and poetry and music by black creatives past and present. I enjoyed the challenge of taking on a weightier subject and ensuring that the content was sensitive and appropriate while also facing racism openly. I am keen to work on more shows investigating current affairs themes, especially if these have a creative focus too.
    BaristaNew York Cafe
     - London, United KingdomPart Time
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  • Writing
  • Writing Poetry
  • Journalism
  • Radio Presenting
  • Broadcast Journalism
  • Foreign Languages
  • Teaching
  • Book Editing
  • Customer Service
  • Administration
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) Durham University
     - Durham, United Kingdom
    I studied Combined Honours in Arts at Durham University, specialising in English and Spanish. I also studied Arabic throughout my first year, which comprised a third of my studies for that time. The English course included a Creative Writing Poetry seminar module in final year, led by professional poet, rapper and DJ Kayo Chingonyi. I wrote my dissertation on Allen Ginsberg and it has since been published in the online journals Beatdom and Empty Mirror: The Spanish part of the course included a year abroad which I spent volunteering, studying and working in Peru (Lima & Huaraz) and Spain (Barcelona & Tossa de Mar). It also involved a 6,000 word research project written in Spanish, in which I was highly graded.
    A LevelsUniversity College School
     - London, United Kingdom
    I attained four A-levels in English (A*), Philosophy (A), French (A) and Spanish (A).
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    Philosophy PrizeUniversity College School
    I was awarded the Sixth form Philosophy Prize, of which there was one for my year group, in my final year at school. Award (a book of my choice) was presented by Michael McIntyre
    Spanish PrizeUniversity College School
    I was awarded the Transitus Spanish Group while in my penultimate year of school studying at UCS.