I have just released a spoken word track to streaming services, protesting against the Israel-Gaza war. Please can you help me to share it?

Hi, I'm Jess, a spoken word artist based in North London. I have just released my first track to Spotify, We Will Not Be Silenced, which fuses poetry with jazzy music production (music and production by Teo Marangon).

The track has been created as a vocalisation of protest against the Israel-Gaza war, its support by the British political establishment, and broader aspects of atomisation and structural violence. It aims to explore the emotional experiences of watching bloodshed and injustice unfold via the media, and move through this to ultimately encourage togetherness and love, converting righteous anger into fuel for collective action and change.

I am new to the world of music and am looking for support in spreading this message, amplifying the sound of anti-violence and calls for solidarity and compassion. Please help me to broaden the reach of my message by giving the track a listen (Spotify link below), and sharing around your network if it resonates. You can also read more about the project below.

I would especially appreciate advice from any musicians or people working in music PR/ journalism / publicity: what kind of individuals and organisations would be good starting points for me to contact with a press release about the track? How can I channel my energies effectively to amplify the track and help it to be platformed far and wide?

I have experience as a freelance writer and am branching out into music for the first time so honestly your support and advice means a great deal to me; in return, I am more than happy to support your own projects. Thank you!




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