Calling all gamers, art enthusiasts, and visual artists!

Are you passionate about art and fostering a more inclusive art scene?

Osan Gallery is a new concept for a virtual art gallery in the Metaverse, dedicated to showcasing the work of underrepresented artists, including Black, LGBTQ+, POC, and disabled creators.

We are currently looking for people to participate in a 20-minute call to help us gather feedback and shape the future of Osan Gallery.

What we'll discuss:

Your initial thoughts on the concept of a Metaverse art gallery
Similar Metaverse art galleries you've encountered (if any)
The importance of showcasing art by underrepresented artists
How you envision art being displayed and interacted with in a virtual space
Features that would be most beneficial for artists and collectors
Your interest in participating in events and workshops hosted by Osan Gallery
General feedback and suggestions for Osan Gallery
This call is perfect for you if you:

Are a gamer or interested in the Metaverse

Are an art enthusiast or collector

Are a visual artist (of any background)

Believe in diversity and inclusion in the art world

Are you curious about experiencing art in a new way

By participating, you'll help us create a groundbreaking virtual space that celebrates creativity and empowers underrepresented voices.


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