Nafisah Animashaun

Nafisah Animashaun

Digital MarketerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Annabel Sirvent i Roser
Aquarius Garcelon
Emilia Anne Growney
Nafisah Animashaun

Nafisah Animashaun

Digital MarketerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
An exprenced creative marketing and events manager.
  • London Represents
    London RepresentsLondon represents is London fashions weeks most diverse fashion showcase. The represents campaign set out to create original content across multiple platforms with an audience of over 1 million. Organised the planning of event partnerships and led multiple campaigns alongside the show.
  • How to Date
    How to DateHow to date campaign aimed to promote dating advice/columns on all platforms ( Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Twitter and Mailing List).
  • Wiser: BTSN Celebrates
    Wiser: BTSN CelebratesBTSN celebrates was a spotlight campaign on black professionals in the tech sector.
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Projects credited in
  • Events with the Little Sprout Collective
    Events with the Little Sprout CollectiveThe Little Sprout Collective is an arts collective founded in York in 2017, and has since broken both national and international borders. Little Sprout hosts a variety of daytime conference and workshop events, and evening exhibition and gig events. Conferences and workshops have involved a range of artists and academics alike from the University of York, and wider community, including theatre-makers, yogis, dancers, documentary-makers, political activists, app designers, chefs and local busi
  • HARD Magazine Issue 20: Let's Be Friends
    HARD Magazine Issue 20: Let's Be FriendsHead of Photography Directed and shot on 50mm film Released March 2019
Work history
    The Sunday Times logo
    The Sunday Times logo
    InterviewerThe Sunday Times
     - York, United KingdomPart Time
    I was employed by High flyers research to conduct surveys on behalf of the Times Final Year Survey Between February 2020 and March 2020. in this role I would interview final year students daily excelled in this role gaining the highest number of interviews out of all those employed by highflyers this year conducting near three times the targeted amount of face to face interviews over a short period. I achieved multiple bonuses as I was First Reach target of 25 interviews in 3 days and gained the highest number of interviews in a team of 20 students. I conducted 68 successful interviews near two times over target.
    Social Media InternRich Skxn
     - London, United KingdomInternship
    Social media intern for rich skin from July 2019 to December 2019. I Developed content and organised post projections for Instagram, Twitter and the online blog. I Coordinated daily social media posts across all platforms using Google Docs and Hootsuite, which successfully created must-follow social media feeds, and established and maintained three-month social media calendar. I also Implemented signature hashtags and implemented brand awareness through the use of social media and analysed and reported social media presence, engagement, and effectiveness on all platforms. My key achievements were Heighting traffic to blog 30% via the social media strategy.
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  • Time Management
  • Event Planning
  • Team Leadership
  • Teamworking
  • Typing
  • Qualitative Research
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Imagination
  • CAD Software
  • Verbal Communication
    BAUniversity of York
    York, United Kingdom