Can anyone give me some feedback on my website?

I am thinking of using this time to revamp my site and would love some feedback on what's working and what's not. Thank you!


  • @Kid Circus Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. I have thought about splitting the work into tabs for 'commercial, editorial' etc but wasn't sure if it was easier to have it all in one place.

    And yes - agree with you about the paragraph in addition to the video.

    Thanks again!
  • @Alexis Gavan Thank you so much Alexis, that's so kind of you to say.
  • @Ella Jackson Thanks Ella. That's good advice, thank you. I forget sometimes that the purpose of having a website is for people to contact me ha! Easy to get caught up in just choosing the images. Much appreciated.
  • I really like the simplicity, and the video in the About page is a really nice introduction to the person behind the lens. I'd say on that about page, it would probably help a first-time viewer to see a small paragraph about you, just in case they either don't have the time to watch the entire video or the device they're using isn't capable of streaming it.
    Are you thinking of adding any other pages in future? I'm just trying to put my SEO hat on, in terms of whether you want your website to show up in search engine results...
  • Only 3 pages you have with not much content if you can let me know ur target audience I can help you to revamp and do the information architecture. Thank you.

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