Casting-Call for a project brief of real-life every day Brits based in London for an upcoming paid branded content video project. (remote)

During this time with so many seeking work .. I am currently sharing this unique casting-call for an exciting branded video project which will require remotely based Londoners who are comfortable with basic level video production. It will require filming vlog-style video diaries for a well-known brand during the first few weeks of April so more than one day. Comfortable on camera + to appear on-screen for this digital campaign.

It is well-paid remote work (fee TBC) and I am now curently seeking the following as I have collated many so far across a number of wider roles:

- Real-life delivery drivers, especially self-employed - (Deliveroo, Pizza delivery, Uber, Taxi, etc)

- Someone being innovative with using video or live streams for delivering classes .. be it for dancing, cooking, martial arts, or anything unique .. a music DJ providing home-based remote live sets online would be cool too or an amateur stand-up comedian delivering a set via live streaming.

- Anyone with a very unique approach to remote working and how they are coping during this social distancing situation .. and maybe connecting in an innovative and safe way with wider family with any care requirements

- Anyone in lockdown with whole extended family would be great .. especially multi-generational with grandparents or aunties / uncles, cousins, etc.

- Anyone using apps such as 'Google Maps' or 'Sat Navs' for their work currently be it as a first responder with NHS or deliveries, etc.

We will provide guidance on filming side and I will direct remotely .. filming throughout April with exact dates TBC.


Or feel free if easier to just link over your 'Dots' profile + instagram page link here ..

And please stay safe everyone, sending all lots of love + strength during this very testing, yet transitioning time we find ourselves in collectively.

@Vin Sharma


  • Thanks for reaching out .. over the weekend we collated lots of self-tapes and so are hearing back from the brand as to who may be chosen.. I'll certainly be in touch if we require more options at all.. stay safe + optimistic to all! :)
  • Hey! I'm London based and am an NHS responder and also created, designed, copywritten for a brand I've just launched during this situation! We are using live streams to do Bollywood classes, deliver cooking classes etc and using all sorts of tech in our household. Am. very interested! Please do get in touch. My email address is
  • I’m a London based photographer and retoucher, but have temporarily relocated to my families farm in Devon.. sharing with 2 sets of aunties & uncles - older gen, my cousin, her husband & toddler my age & my younger cousin & his girlfriend who are also from London! Quite the change! :)

    Not sure if that’s of interest, but here’s my website & insta & I’m able to do basic video.

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