#CASTINGCALL #CastingCall #TV #StillsCampaign #paidadvertisement

#CastingCall #TV #StillsCampaign #paidadvertisement

Seeking The following roles for a TV Commercial for reputable finance company.

South East Asian Man Indian/Pakistani - aged 25-35 acting skills preferred but not essential.

South East Asian Woman Indian/Pakistani
Aged 60+ acting skills preferred but not essential if they are happy to try.

And The following for stills Campaign
Filipino Nanay/Mother aged 55+

Filipini Papa aged 55+

South East Asian Woman Untee - aged 48-58

South East Asian Man/Dada - aged 65+

Please feel free to recommend your Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Grand parents etc - if they fit the description and you think they'd be up for it.

Obviously all roles are #Paid
Please email Shimmyahmed@mac.com with contact information and photos. Thank You x


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