Do you need Adobe skills to apply for in-house jobs?

Just wondered, I have learned how to use the main three Adobe packages but now use Scribus, GIMP and Inkscape as I don't want to pay for Adobe. It feels like Adobe is still the industry standard though, just wondered if really you still need to be up to speed on them to apply for a job


  • Hi Tom,

    from my experience it's pretty much industry standard. Usually the employer will provide the subscruption for you.

    It might be a good idea to familierise yourself with the software. There are free trials and monthly subcriptions that can be cancelled.
  • @Freddie Rowland thanks, yeah that's kind of what I thought. I feel like all the packages are trying to do basically the same thing, so I might just get a subscription if I feel I'm likely to find a new job soon
  • Hi Tom,

    I have had a couple of in-house jobs, and I'm afraid Adobe is still very much the industry standard. My employer always paid for the subscription though, and if you're familiar with Adobe already you could probably just brush up on your skills before you start (depends what level you're applying for though).

    Hope that helps!


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