Do you want to learn how to price your graphic design work?

Our new and expanded online course 'The Price is Right' could be just what you're looking for.

We're on a mission to empower graphic designers everywhere to get paid properly for their work. On this programme you'll complete a range of tasks, building a fundamental set of tools and skills to help you and your clients understand and appreciate the value of your work.

We leave no stone unturned, so as well as pricing strategies, we'll guide you through negotiation, confidence, contracts, invoicing and chasing payment.

To preview the curriculum either head here:


  • @Kane Davis Absolutely agree Kane. Lists of industry-standard rates depending on experience have a very limited use in our opinion. Finding rates and pricing strategies that work for you is the most important thing. We think that everyone who takes the course will put their prices up as a result of seriously working through the numbers and considering the value that they're bringing to projects.
  • @Karolina Wolska the course doesn't use motion design as examples, but the approach and principles could all be easily applied to motion design. We focus on the value that your work generates and the money that you want to make. There isn't a price list, it's a programme that helps you to build a price that REALLY works for you and then guides you through the tools and techniques to charge that through a range of strategies.

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