Feel like complaining?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a portfolio in user experience. What I want to know is, what is a bad experience you've had recently digitally?
Were you trying to find something but a sites search system let you down? Were you looking for some information that wasn't where it was supposed to be?

Let loose!!


  • Great, thanks @Alexander Cox ! Please do! Yeah intranet sites are often the worst designed ones, which is a real shame as it still has users they just aren't thought about at all.
  • @Eden Allen They were manily on Intranet sites of previous employers (which contained sensitive data and were only accessible through a log-in)... But I'll send you a link as soon as I notice any public ones!
  • @Alexander Cox Yes that exactly what I'm looking for, do you remember what websites you were on when you got frustrated? I want to create some personal projects where I explore sites and recreate them to fix the problems.
  • Don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I've browsed sites where the search box only showed results that matched the search character for character (Eg: didn't use keywords but just tried to match input to values in a database) makes life unnecessarily difficult.

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