Hello! Does anyone knows a good printing company for advertising and public spaces stickers?


  • @Fátima Valdés I've been working with quite a few but Guildford-based Pierrot has always been a great partner. Flexible, fast and super professional with all sorts of collateral types from presentation boards to merch to floor and window vynils to pretty much anything. Depends on where you want to use the printed assets too, Spain and Italy have great and very cost effective options too.
  • @Anthony Taylor thanks. I need to create graphics in Correx board or something similar and stickers for public bikes, which have to be durable and not easily corroded.
  • Hello Fatima,
    If you're looking for ordering the prints over online you can try instantprint or vistaprint. Awesomemerch is good for stickers but I'm not sure whether they would be able to help you with advertising.
    For on-street printers I can suggest ABC Imaging in Farringdon.

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