Hello! I'd appreciate some feedback on my website. https://ruairimadine.co.uk

I've just graduated from a graphic design course and am preferably looking for work in a smallish design studio in London, which is what my site is aimed at.


  • @Natacha Oliveira Thanks for taking the time to look at my site. I agree, I have quite a few varied skills and honestly am not sure precisely what I want to narrow down to. My hope would be able to take on a varied role at a smaller studio where I could design in different ways. Perhaps I do ned to think about specifying though.

    The second point about showing some more character is a great point, I'll definitely have a look into how I could get that across some more - thanks again!
  • @Rémi Lefèvre You're completely right about the logo, that should redirect back to works and not the index - thank you for pointing that out!

    Thanks for taking the time to have a look at it and I will certainly alter the email to have it look that extra bit polished - appreciate it Rémi.
  • Hi Ruairi!
    I've just checked your website, and overall I think it's great!
    A couple of things that elevate it are the process/sketches on each project and the fact that your cv aligns visually with the website.
    On the other hand, a couple of things that I think you could improve upon is that I don't have a clear idea of what type of work you develop for the most part. It just looks like you don't have a clear focus and comes across as confusing.
    Another thing that I miss is the human side. You talk very professionally of yourself, but I don't get a sense of who you are. What are your main interests, and what makes you different from everyone else?

    This is just my input, and I hope it helps. :)
  • Hi Ruairi! First off, love the intro with the pronunciation of your name - I think that it's differentiating, and the playful tone puts a smile on your face right away (maybe your logo should redirect directly to "works" rather than "index" to avoid seeing it several times during the same session?)

    The works page is really cool - you just want to click on everything, and each project reads quite well. Clear and concise. Pondering if it's useful to have at the top of each a 'table-top' view, as a visual summary?
    Small tweak I'd do too is to add a hi@ruarimadine.com as an email address (even if it's a redirect to your gmail, it makes it that tiny bit more polished). Should be an easy one to do with your registrar (just need a redirection effectively).

    Well done, it's a cool website!

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