Hello! I'm looking to put together a crew to collaborate on an upcoming music video shoot with an artist!

I need everyone from gaffers to producers, hit me up, spread the word!


  • Hi Ruby, I'm a rising BTS photographer and videographer, if you may need BTS pics taken of the video shoot please give me a message. Here's some of my work https://www.instagram.com/ceemillyshotit/
  • Producer here, I'd love to know more! email: thearchives3.0@gmail.com
  • Hi
    I'm Simran Kaur and I'm a fashion photographer and creative director based in London. I'm interested :)



  • I’m a video editor - jesswaterhouse.com - would love to hear more!
  • Hi! I’d be happy to help. I’m a director/animator and editor, so anything you need help with, let me know.

    My work: www.kommandokreativ.com

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