Hello people, I'd like some feedback on my portfolio website as I am seeking for my first career job! www.tonydesigns.net

I'd love to work for a mobility company as a product designer.
I am passionate about vehicles, technology and would like to take my skills and ambition somewhere that can envision the future of mobility.


  • Hi Tony!
    Great start with the website, however, you indeed still need more.
    My comments approach more on the colour scheme. You have a wide variety of colours and shapes within the first half of the page, which creates great diversion from the key message. I really didn't know where to look at with so many different colours and patters. Further, there are half-icons and words at the edges of your page, perhaps something related to your coding. Try replacing your header by your logo and sticking with a more clean overview. As I can see, you're using it as a portfolio/CV, so keeping it clean is key while conveying your message.
    Good luck!
  • Hi Tony. The little work you have on your site is quite good. But you need more. The writing is also a bit stiff and corporate. But more importantly, your site is not intuitive to navigate at all. I found myself clicking on all those td icons, as well as your name and anything that was underlined —thinking they would lead me somewhere — as words underlined/hyperlinked usually do. This is no small thing, as you're billing yourself as an experience designer. The site is also not completely responsive. Again, your two projects are well done. But your site undermines the user experience. Good luck.

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