Hey Dots community! I'm looking for a cartoon illustrator for an ongoing 'Dilbert'-style comic strip satire series. HMU!
One of the brands we're partnering with here at AKQA is planning to create an ongoing editorial cartoon series. A Dilbert-style comic strip satire series that needs an illustrator to bring to life.
If you're interested in this freelance commission, or have recommendations for may be, do let me know by leaving a message here or directly to me.
Looking forward to seeing what this incredible community has to offer!
- Good morning to you Paul. I have had 10 years of experience doing Dilbert style comic strip or panel cartoons. Check out my portfolio and if you like it lets talk.I am available immediatelyhttps://rgtrico.myportfolio.com/character-designhttps://www.behance.net/ricogriffit
- Hi Paul,This sounds as an incredibly fun project and I would like to throw my hat in the ring too. I have made little satirical comics from the moment I started drawing and many of my friends and family have a little framed cartoon of telling the story of how we met. A lot of my commercial work nowaways is editorial and children's books but I also recently made a pencil drawing series of 'little things that give me joy' and created a postcard series for valentines with cartoon characters being in a bubble together. I combine traditional mediums (ink, brushpens, colour pencils and paint) with digital mediums. I have started to dabble in (live) sketchnoting too but that is still in the starting stages.If you do not mind having a look at my instagram account @makingsandmusings.illustration you can find some of the more cartoon style illustrations when you scroll down a little.I would also be more than happy to email you some examples.my editorial portfolio is on my dot profile or on my website www.makingsandmusings.comI hope to hear from you,best, Irene
- Hi Paul,I'm interested in the opportunity, here is the link to my website:https://www.manisharekhi.com/
- Hey Paul!Although most of my work is editorial illustration on magazine articles, I had some experience in comic strips. Since I love reading Cul de Sac, Wulff & Morgenthaler, Overboard (among others) it is always a thrill when I get chance like that. So here are two of them with corporate theme. Upper one is team-building event, and the other one says Think positive.And you can check my Dots profile for editorial illustrations.Cheers!Zoranhttps://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E22AQHEuvR355pbiw/feedshare-shrink_800/0/1606494374357?e=1621468800&v=beta&t=AxRWOZOqfjlziO7iaxo4Yl294rWuYySpeqK-1__Cbtwhttps://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E22AQHmlwE0LpC_pQ/feedshare-shrink_800/0/1605187103819?e=1621468800&v=beta&t=a1UBe-1ZT7xhTEB71fq4CyBlyGSkLpwTaQFuXXJK6cE
- Never thought about doing such a thing, maybe it is fun. Check my Instagram and see if it meets your needs. https://www.instagram.com/jorge_margarido/
- Hi paul,This sounds like a great and exciting project! Would love to be involved! Please check out my website!https://addavies.myportfolio.com/Looking forward to hearing from you!Adam
- Hi Paul! Any further details about this comission would be great. Im an illustrator and animator and I think my wide range of styles and work can help bring the project to lifeSee some of my work here: https://www.behance.net/siestaisfiestacheers!
- Hi Paul,Any more details? :)I may be free pretty soon and this sounds quite interesting!In the meantime, you can view my work here:https://allmylinks.com/steve-b-graphicsBest wishes,Steve B
- Hey Paul,This sounds great! Feel free to check out my portfolio and reach out if you think I would be a good fit. https://boredatthebar.com/Many thanks,David
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