Hey Freelancers - how did you feel in 2024?

Every year, I run a survey diving into the mental health of freelancers. The insights we've uncovered have supported over 250,000 freelancers, shone a light on where the gaps in support lie, and challenged the ecosystem to do a better job.

I do this work because it's important for us to have a louder voice - there's very little impartial research into mental health for freelancers, which isn't trying to sell you insurance or coworking or something.

Your responses are anonymous, and I'll publish the results on leapers.co/research - where you can also find the past five years data.

Please take part and share with any fellow freelancers - every response matters.

You can complete the survey (it takes about 7 minutes, so pop the kettle on) at leapers.co/research



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