Hey guys! Can I ask you for the feedback of my page? I focused on illustrations as I want to push my freelance a bit www.kasiasmoczynska.com

I am open for any suggestions, thanks so much!


  • @Kasia Smoczyńska You arw welcome! Sure it will invite more the audience. Adding your range of selction of services is a good idea but keep your illustrations the main focus :)
    Yes the market does have it's trends but every new day a style can impose itself and grow, so just keep focusing on your style explore themes that may aspire to the market but in your way and be ready!

  • @Keva Epale Thank you so much for these comments Keva! I definitely will imply those changes, especially around About Me area and I will remove the titles list from the left and add maybe some Services tab? As I am quite confident with my illustrations I am worried if clients will see their commertcial potential, or my graphic design abilities so I think I should emphase it probably!

  • Beautiful work!
    A vintage yet bold eye for fashion. Love it.
    I am sure opportunities will come for sure.

    - The website layout is good, your menu font I agree could be bigger and why not even remove them (the list of projects on the left) and just keep the images and hoover effect with titles. But you can leave your about and contact button...
    It will allow the page to breath more and have bigger images too.

    - The hoover effect needs more contrast the yellow and white can be hard to read.

    - As for the illustrations we want to see them, they are big and they don't need a lot to speak. So effective for me.

    - Make your social media and your branding more visible,
    people should be able to read your name clearly if you have to find a way to write it above your illustration or elsewhere why not.
    Knowing who is the designer is key!

    - Your about page could benefit from some vintage boldness as well
    maybe an added autoportrait and you're copywriting much bigger.
    Make the page like a little door more into your behind the scenes...

    - Ps: your header is beautiful it gives the vibe and a sense of your design interest, it could be much bigger and we could see more details. I really think as the audience I would love to have bolder zooms into your work, maybe not everyone but your work invites that immersion.

    Best of luck and looking forward to your next pieces.

  • @Kasia Smoczyńska I knew you love vintage the moment I landed on your website. The color scheme and your illustration style both are awesome! And great that you thought my services are clear. With respect to the white bg, I think I will have to fix that.
  • @Nandita Sampat I am all about vintage, thank you!
    I like how you created your brand on your webiste, it's easy to find and read about the services, thubs up! I think it would look good with a plain white bcg as well :)
  • Looks good! A couple of things:
    - font size is pretty small; might be worth having some accessibility options with larger front sizes.
    - the social media icons on the top banner are very hard to spot - either make them bigger or put them elsewhere.
    - not sure if that's on purpose, but your actual brand (Kosh Studio I believe) isn't easy to make out due to the handwritten font.
  • Hey, loved your website and your illustrations! You have a very unique style which is quite vintage looking! Check out my website and let me know your thoughts too, www.nanditasampat.com

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