hey there! Can anyone give me some feedback on my CV? I am not from the UK and am struggling to get anything here...



  • I think your CV is very well organised and the info is easy to understand - I'd maybe just trim down the text so there is a bit less to read for recuiters to go straight to the point on what they'd like to know,
    For instance the paragraph on the left explaining who you are and your skills could just be in an email/cover letter, your contact details could also be right at the top under your name to free up some space and let it breathe a bit more !
  • Hey Natalia!
    I am sure your works are looking great so I am not even commenting on them.
    My main concerns with your resumé are composition and readability, I will expand a little bit here.
    * Font sizing: you can reduce it by at least 2pt and it would still be perfectly legible. By doing this, the cv would maybe fit in a paper size which would allow people to print it if needed (it's a pdf, after all...)
    * Font sizing 2: imho, smaller is better. Is this a 12 or 14pt size? It may seem it lacks of customisation and look a bit shallow.
    * Contact me: this section takes way too much space. I agree with keeping it well visible, but I am sure you can reduce it to one single line, maybe just below your bio. Being this cv digital, you could use links shorter links on the page.
    * Other sections: As Cyrus says, they are a bit wordy. But I like it! Thing is, you want to choose between tell a story and be short. I think that bullet points are not the best way to show your skills, you could either write whole sentences and find a visual representation of your tasks (just suggesting).
    * Highlighting: I like the use of bold, good idea! You could add some more and help the reader focus on your strenghts. In general, you can guide your reader toward what you think he/she should read first.
    * Skills: That's what the company is looking for! You can expand on them a little, perhaps? You could merge this with the first paragraph?
    * The devil is in the details: you definitely don't want to send a long, ugly URL to a company. Why don't you try a link shortener such as bit.ly? You can customise your link and also have analytics and stats.

    You are definitely capable and I am sure you will find a job in no time, good luck with that!

    P.S.: Can I ask you a favor? Could you be so kind to have a look at my CV and maybe leave a feedback? I am desperate to improve it and I am sure you could give me precious insights

  • Hello Natalia,

    Great to see the your CV has been creatively designed and colour coded.
    I think what would be helpful is to reduce the wording on the page so that it’s easier to quickly read through.
    Perhaps you can remove the roles and responsibilities in the work experience section and re-write the words in red in one short concise sentence.

    I’d also say that sticking to one or two colours would make it look neater.

    You’ve got great admirable skills and outstanding experience including foreign language proficiency.

    Wish you the very best in your job search.

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