Heya! I’m looking for a freelance copywriter with experience writing LinkedIn and Twitter posts.
If you're interested, please email me your CV, examples of work and rates at zoheey.studio@gmail.com
ty x
- @Stavroula Zoi I am available
- Hi Stavroula I might be able to help. Emailing you now.
- @Sarah Solomon Hi Sarah, I need someone who keeps up with international news and has experience writing on social issues, particularly housing, healthcare, immigration, and women’s rights. We write LinkedIn and Twitter posts based on recent articles so I need someone who can understand the brand voice and comment thoughtfully on recent policies related to the social issues we cover.
- Hi i am available
- Hi Stravroula,Sounds interesting. I have experience with both LinkedIn and Twitter. Would be great to know what sector the client is in who needs the posts.BestSarah
- Hi Stavroula, I've emailed you with all the details requested (rachelhbrook@gmail.com)
- I’m here
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