Hi everyone, I'm an Art director, Designer & Food photographer based in Amsterdam, looking for some feedback on my current website. Cheers!



  • @Rajib Moazzam
    Great questions thank you! Really appreciate you taking the time to take a look. Here are my answers...

    1. I'm currently having to hunt for work a little harder than usual for obvious reasons so am looking at ways to improve my site as this is where I direct potential clients to. It would also be nice for my website to start speaking for itself.

    2. I'm not sure I'm doing a good job at promoting exactly what services I can offer right now. I'm very multidisciplinary and always have found this hard to communicate this to clients. I also have a little bit of tunnel vision and just need a fresh pair of eyes!
  • Hi @Magnus Naddermier Thanks so much for you kind words! I agree categorising my projects would be a great solution in guiding potential clients through my work, Cheers!
  • I'd also recommend adding the social sharing icons on the bottom (or top) of each page, rather than just on the Contact page. I had to hunt for your Instagram. (But now I'm following you on there, btw!) :)
  • Love your work! The content is amazing, but I agree, having some form of tags or categorization will make it much easier for visitors to manage. I found myself impressed and intrigued, but also overwhelmed as to where to begin (and then where to go next).
  • Hi Jamie,
    You are doing great work, you have a contemporary aesthetic and a nice touch. The website is not bad at all but I get very confused by the fact that you are mixing your photography with your deign work etc.
    The first and most important advice from me would be to categorise your portfolio! Maybe use: Art Direction – Design – Photography
    This will make it much easier to navigate depending what I'm looking for.
    I hope this helps. Good luck. /magnus
  • Hey Jaimee,

    No doubt your work is great. I do have a couple of suggestions however.
    - The kerning and spacing for your header text may be too wide. At first glance they look like menu bar but decreasing the spacing could prevent that.
    - It might help categorising you work. E.g. Illustration/design , Food/hospitality , Photography . Something like that. It will help visitors navigate faster to what they are looking for.

    Your overall theme and design is great for your slick work.

    Hope this helps and all the best.
  • Hi Jaimee, thanks for putting your website out there for feedback. Its always great for people see the work of their peers.

    Before I spend some time taking a look through, can I ask two questions:

    1. Why are you looking for feedback exactly?

    2. Is there a particular challenge you're faced with (i.e is it not converting visitors into clients etc).

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