Hi Everyone. I would love some feedback on my website would be great to get some UX and UI advice :)



  • @Fanette Perrineau
    Your website has a bold punch of personality! I agree with what has already been said. Now, UI/IX-wise you need to explain a little bit more about your WHY as a designer, creative director or type artist.

    • Your homepage and its hero section are your promise space. You state what you do and below (and on other pages), you prove it the best you can. At least you ''story tell'' that ''WHY'' a little bit more.

    • As a starter, your name with your font may be hard to read. You could write your name in a smaller font next to help new visitors.
    • All your services are all together, yet they may need some distinction thanks to some text.
    • Create systems especially on your homepage. You can them increase their use within your inside pages: entry titles, subtitles, layouts, highlights, style of pictures. The presentation of yoru projects are good. Check yoour copy and instad of ''desiged a'' you may want to write ''I designed''...
    • Within your projects, aim for the best design. Sometimes the early stages of a project does not help a client project themsleves. An agency eventually will evaluate that you understand some basics, but they want to see the end result. For example on this page: https://fanettedesign.com/squidgame/
    the 3D rendering at the top is weakining yoru overall layout. Try to look into which topology of image syou keep.

    • Your type of work is brilliant. The 3D is gorgeous!
    • Your inside projects are nice. I like how you use digital and physical mockups it adds to that playful vibe. That is a system you can repeat.
    • You need a little bit more hierarchy over your services, projects and overall vision. You have a lot of different skills, which is also the paradox of being multiple creative. Try to create a ''fil rouge'' within all these skills and tell us which kind of people and clients you want to serve.

    • We need a little bit more substance! Tell us more about your process and vision as a creative. Also, try to be more explicit with your offers or your key offer.

    • Try to create an easy roadmap to your footer with clear sections, CTA's and breathing moments.

    • Keep your boldness! Now, bring in some structure and hierarchy, the rest will follow!

    Feel free to book a session with me here if needed: https://adplist.org/mentors/keva-epale
    My starter ebook on creating your spaces: https://amzn.to/49JpdpP

    Best of luck!

    PS: You should ask for Loom videos or audio. Watching people navigate your website will show you places where you need to focus UI/IX-wise.

  • @Anthony Animba thanks for your feedback i will have a look and see what I can do to enhance the push on the menu. I used Readymag to make it :)
  • @Fanette Perrineau I can see the animations a bit better now, and can see where you've used bézier (I had really bad internet when I opened this first). I think just where you show your services, when the bold text slides to the left, maybe there should be a bit more friction/emphasis on them being 'pushed' or maybe just slowed down a bit?
  • @Anthony Animba Thank you for your feedback. I have used a mixture of Bésier and linear animation depending on the purpose and I would be interested to know what you think would benefit from bésier :)
  • It’s really good - the intro animation was a welcome surprise. The main problem I ran into was lack of navigation back to the home page which should be your main focal point. Maybe consider creating a full screen menu that can be opened from anywhere on the site? I think it’d work well with your style and large type.

    I’m sure you’re aware there are a few visual bugs on desktop (mobile seems to work better for me), but I think that’s fine. As long as you smooth things out over time, perhaps in iterations, problems and bugs are inevitable when creating a website so ambitious - especially when catering to a wide audience on a load of different devices.

    Go all-in on your personal style where you can, that’s what your website is for, and how you will attract clients on the same wavelength as you.

    It’s refreshing to scroll to the bottom and not see ‘made with Squarespace’, well done !
  • @Daniel Hawley-Lingham Thank you so much for your positive feedback. I was aiming to make it playful as well as experimenting with using different animations to display my personality.
  • @Fanette Perrineau Sorry yeah, I should have said. I was using chrome browser on a windows pc.

    The ideas you have for the website are fantastic by the way (I read Daniels comments and I do agree with him) but you also need to bear in mind content and accessibility, otherwise it's just a pretty looking website that won't convert visitors into sales :)
  • @Louise Foster Thank you for your constructive criticism can i ask what device you are using as it sounds like there are a few bugs. When i posted this I had only made it for desktop. I have made the responsive mobile site now so it should be looking better. Maybe that is why you are experiencing missing elements?

    I have now added arrows as a point of action for the viewer to engage and scroll
  • I think it's brilliant - you are pushing things from a visual perspective and depending on the type of clients you are going for this could really work.

    I have had many years developing websites for clients and so many want boring and ordinary. With an estimated 1.13 billion websites you are doing well to make something a little different - playful and with some visual joy. I applaud you.

    Do not listen to people who tell you otherwise - they will flatten your style for the sake of blandness, SEO packing, corporate mentalities etc etc.

    Anyone in the industry should now be cottoning on to the fact that websites are just one touch point in a broader oeuvre of communication methods. This site will serve you well to go for more distinctive clients who may want to take more of a risk, are daring and possibly more exciting. Obviously, all things can be refined but be mindful of refining for the right reasons.

    Smashed it - well done
  • You've probably worked really hard on this so I'm really sorry if this sounds brutal, but I'm sure you want to have the best website possible. I can see the potential is there, you just need to tweak a few things :)

    The eyes as the mouse pointer needs to go. It's something I would associate with a cartoon themed website aimed at kids

    At the very top of the homepage on the right hand side, it looks like you have some icons? But I can only see the bottom part of circles.

    I can only read what it says under "Hi I'm" because I saw your post here first and saw your name. If I was visiting your website without knowing your name, I wouldn't have a clue what it says. The font is no good for readability or accessibility.

    You have less than 10 seconds to capture someones attention on a website. It's not clear what you actually do as soon as you land on the page. You have that at the very bottom of the page, no one is gonna get that far down, no matter how pretty the pictures are.

    I click the menu and it takes me to the bottom of the page. Those 2 links are way too big and sort of blend in with the big black text right above, it's easy to miss. I've just noticed that big black text is also part of the menu (but it took me a good minute or two to realise that)

    Your web design page is too flashy. I don't have epilepsy and it's even hurting my eyes.

    You need words on there, it's all image and no talk right now.

    I haven't looked at any other pages, and I haven't checked it on my mobile so I don't know what any of your other paages are like.

    I hope this all helps :)

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