Hi guys, Am looking for feedback on my illustration Portfolio! www.andycarterillustration.com - thank you :)


  • @Simeon Goa Wow thank you for such in depth feedback!! and sorry for the late reply.

    For my website, I did aim for it to be as simple and easy to navigate as possible, and for it to be clear from the outset what I do and how my work looks, to help art directors who maybe have less than a minute to check out an illustrators site I wanted to leave an impression.

    The searching man is just a personalised 'preloader' that I created to replace the one built in to my theme. You can see examples of this when you refresh the dots site for instance with the 5 circles rotating - however I do agree that it comes across laggy at times and I think that highlights my need to better optimise my site so that it runs as fast as possible (i'm not completely literate with website building so am sure i've got a bunch of unnecessary plugins etc. clogging up the speeds)

    Also completely agree with the sliders, this is something I wonder every time I look at those pages and never know what would work best - is a carousel cleaner than just scrolling? probably not and something I will definitely look at.

    I won't go into detail replying about every piece as I think you've picked out some really good points and your feedback is really helpful in what to consider- for example, the nose on the 'shadow of a doubt' also bothers me now that you've pointed it out and I think causes a distraction. Or the texture by the basket in the car free cities piece, this was supposed to be a shadow but as it's inconsistent with the other harder shadows it definitely confuses the reader

    Thanks again !!
  • Hey Andy.

    Good work.

    You have some great concepts and a playful and gentle style which I feel the world needs more of these days.

    My thoughts are generally in question format, stuff for you to think more about, or not. I didn't get to all the pieces but hope that this helps.

    Website in General
    I don't mind the simple layout. And feel a simple layout can help art directors save time (something to keep in mind). You can get really fancy like these folks (https://jon-han.com/rindex.html , https://olafhajek.com/) but I feel sites like yours and this one https://brianstauffer.com/portfolio/ make it easier to access the imagery.

    That being said I love the searching man, when you click on the image, but I feel like it contributes to lag... getting "in the way" of image I want to see. Is there a reason why it pops up each time, that I am not thinking of?

    Also a sliding gallery means I have to figure out how to use it (yes not difficult but does take a couple of tries, again time savings for art directors should be considered if that is who you are going to seek out for your clients)... like in Popshot... perhaps consider putting images next to each other?

    What if cities were car free?
    Nice, fun simple composition.
    The lines of the curb would subtly suggest an inversion of perspective.
    I wonder about the texture by the basket, do you feel it signals movement or dirt coming from the basket, or shadow?

    Below the Surface
    Eye catching composition.
    This is an interesting way of depicting an internal feeling externally.
    Is it possible that the dark clouds could be interpreted as something other than the feeling the running man is experiencing?
    How does the difference in the quality of the running man and the clouds tie the image together?

    What if we worked less?
    Loved everything about this.

    A Plague Tale: Innocence
    Nice drama in this one. Could work for a young adult book / game cover?

    The Perfect Storm
    I enjoy the movement in this one. I feel like the little hole in the clouds could signal some hope or something? great young adult book?

    What if the US had a socialist President?
    Nice! The blue makes me think a little bit like there is water below, but that's probably just me.

    It’s Hot Out
    Nice! I wonder: what would physically happen to the railing and the person if this actually happened?

    The Perfect Storm
    The colour works really well for this, was a bit confused between the ufo stars and actual ufo? Great young adult book adaptation?

    Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt
    Nice visual play here. The face confuses me a little though, not sure why.

    Nice drama on this one. Where that door way goes to?

    Illustrations are interesting, would like to know a bit more about how they relate or not to a single theme.


    These are fun. The one with the person sitting on the unfinished hose, and leafless tree doesn't have a name to it unlike the others... is there a reason for that?

    Tintin – Red Rackham’s Treasure
    You have some great lighting drama in your other pieces, this one feels like it is missing that.

    Like The Wind
    I like the ideas here, not sure I understand the connection

    Spaceship Race
    Interesting piece, I wondered if the ships would crash into the bridge or not, not sure why a ladder leads to a bridge?

    Ethan Frome
    Fun concept. I didn't initially get what the sled was, but figured it out.
    I wonder if there is a way to make it a little bit more obvious that they are still alive. I see the breath on the left character, perhaps someone lifting their head a little?

    What you think, you become
    Love this, but am confused a bit by the ladder on the other end.

    Let me know if you have any questions,


  • @Simeon Goa Hi Simeon! Happy for you to post your thoughts here
  • @Anna Dora L. Thank you for your detailed response! I have been wondering about an agent for a little while but wasn't sure I was at that stage yet - will definitely put a list together and get in touch.
    I defintiely see what you mean about needing to give it more character, and my layout could certainly be more exciting (I was trying to use a simple grid to keep it clean and easily readable, but I think it loses character along the way)

    And point completely taken about the name flag, I agree, and will make that change ASAP
  • Hello Andy,

    I think your stuff is great you clearly found your own voice and has a clarity what kind of project it fits. I think you could have a really good sought with getting an agent who specialises for political, perioducal, publishing stuff. Particularly like the little guy between loading in - you could have more of that! It might worth to think about a slightly more exciting / authentic layout to present your work. To give a bit of character. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the flag with your name it feels less matured than your work otherwise. Hope it helps!

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