Hi - Looking for UK-based Freelance Retouchers. If you're one please reach out!


  • I’m available and interested! My website www.unichrome-creative.com
  • @Lucy Plumb Hi Lucy thaks for reaching out! If you're interested please reach out to projects@hempsteadmay.com with your CV and retouching portfolio. Thanks!
  • Hello,
    I’m available and interested! My website showcases some of my more recent works : www.lucyplumbphotography.com
    My instagram shows a few other bits I have done : @lucyplumbphoto
  • @Kathrin Werner Hi Kathrin! Lets continue the conversation via email - Please pop me an email to projects@hempsteadmay.com. Thanks!
  • @Jermaine Miller Her Jermain! Thanks for the interest - Please reach out to projects@hempsteadmay.com and we can continue the conversation via email? Thanks!
  • @Anna Pluskota Hey! If you're still interested please email me to projects@hempsteadmay.com with your cv and cover letter. Thanks!
  • @Katie Lumley Hey! If you're still interested please email me to projects@hempsteadmay.com with your cv and cover letter. Thanks!
  • I am a UK based retoucher, please take a look at my ig https://www.instagram.com/katielumleyphotography/
  • Hey Ana,
    I'm London-based Retoucher and Photographer, specialising in beauty & products - I'd love to hear more!
  • @Giulia Paratelli If you're interested please reach out to projects@hemspteadmay.com and we can continue the conversation via email!
  • Hello Ana. I am a junior photographer based in London. Depending on your requirements I may be able to help.
    ig: andy.g_photographer
  • @Ana Corona amazining! if you are still looking, drop me an email at info@giuliaparatelli.com thanks!

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